Monday, October 17, 2011

Check your heart

Whenever we feel God's directions are burdensome, it would be a good time to check if our hearts are rebelling against God. God is always for us. Perhaps we wanted to go our own way to fulfil our own desires.

Take time to be still and listen to God. For His words are words of loving guidance.

It doesn't mean it would be easy for even Christ struggled at the cross. But the most beautiful ending awaits for those who hope in the Lord.

Living a holy life whenever wherever

Am I as intolerant of negative influences as the Jews were intolerant of food that were unclean?

More than just a routine observance, it is constant physical reminder of spiritual realities. Not that I'm advocating dietary restrictions (Mark 7:18-19, Rom 14:20) but we should all have greater vigilance on what feeds our minds and hearts.