Monday, October 17, 2011

Check your heart

Whenever we feel God's directions are burdensome, it would be a good time to check if our hearts are rebelling against God. God is always for us. Perhaps we wanted to go our own way to fulfil our own desires.

Take time to be still and listen to God. For His words are words of loving guidance.

It doesn't mean it would be easy for even Christ struggled at the cross. But the most beautiful ending awaits for those who hope in the Lord.

Living a holy life whenever wherever

Am I as intolerant of negative influences as the Jews were intolerant of food that were unclean?

More than just a routine observance, it is constant physical reminder of spiritual realities. Not that I'm advocating dietary restrictions (Mark 7:18-19, Rom 14:20) but we should all have greater vigilance on what feeds our minds and hearts.

Friday, September 30, 2011

The darkness

Peering out the front of the driver-less Circle Line Line train, the darkness of the train tunnel surprised me. I knew cognitively that it would be dark but I did not comprehend how deep that darkness was. I could barely see more than 5 metres in front in the dim light casted by the feeble headlights. There seemed to be no end to the darkness and suddenly the distance until the next station seemed too far. I was waiting for the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel but it did not come as soon as I expected or wanted. Perhaps the black darkness triggers a response to search for light. 

I was brought to remember how desperate our situation in sin really is. This is an area that is not often thought of. After all, we are living well now, going to work, studying, enjoying the company of family and friends. But yet we have all sinned and there is a judgement that is coming from a Holy God. There is a judgement coming in that everyone will be called into account for all the things they have done such that there will indeed be justice served. Not our standards of justice but God's standard. And measured in the light of his holiness, we are in deep darkness without hope. 

Perhaps only as we understand this, can we also truly appreciate the light of the Son of God, Jesus. The one who died for us, to pay the price for our sins, to save us from this endless pit into life truly. 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Giving it all away

"We're giving out all away away
We're giving it all to go Your way
Away we're singing!"

The joy that comes when we have discovered the hidden treasure in the field.

That my life will be one resounding with the joy of singing!

Monday, August 15, 2011


Being fruitful in Christ-likeness and being fruitful in multiplying the word that was sown are the same thing.

It would not be one over the other.

Don't just set targets and be divorced from the field where the seeds will grow.      

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What drives you?

What keeps me going when I feel tired or even when doing things that I don't like to do?

What's the preoccupation of my mind?

What makes me happy, sad or afraid?

What's the conversation topic or kind of conversation that I often start or return to?

Let not the heart's ground cultivate thorns beside heavenly seed.. 

Friday, June 3, 2011


Ps Derek Hong mentioned that hope in the bible is not wishful thinking. And I thought that is really true. Indeed, it's not the anxious expression of leaving the outcome to some chance but being sure, having certainty in what will surely come true.

That can only be the case for God who has all in his control but more importantly, God who loves us. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

God's treasured possession

You are God's treasured possession. Deut 26:18. His laws are to preserve and bless us. To have life and have it to the full.

"We submit to His commands not so that we can be accepted by Him, but because He has already accepted us through the sacrifice of His son."

Monday, May 9, 2011

SG Traffic Situation

Am about to publish my first Android app and will be using this blog post as an anchor point for comments :)

Friday, May 6, 2011







Living for a dream

Am I living to get out of trouble than living for a dream? There is a whole lot of difference when life is driven by a kiasi / kia daiji attitude or driven by something to live for. The whole perspective changes and a new energy and hope is found.

Have you got something to live for?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

God's faithfulness

I read something really good about God's faithfulness from an article in Living Life devotion by Steve Oh. God's faithfulness is demonstrated in these four aspects
  • God is faithful in the midst of trials and temptation. He will provide a way out. 1 Cor 10:13.
  • God is faithful when we sin. He will provide a way for us to be restored to him. 1 John 1:9.
  • God is faithful in His protection over us. We are weak against the onslaught of the enemy but he will be faithful to hold us safe. Psalm 121.
  • God is faithful as He moulds us to the likeness of His Son. It's not about hanging on and enduring to the end, but growing in Christlikeness as God faithfully works in our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit to sanctify us into who we are ultimately meant to be. Phil 1:6, Romans 8:29-30.
"May we grow in gratitude for His faithfulness to us and that we earnestly seek God's overflowing grace to sanctify us to an ever greater faithfulness to Him."

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Confession that brings healing

"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. .." James 5:16 NIV

This is something that is quite new to me. We often confess our sins in private to God and I'm sure He hears and will forgive us. But there seems to be a healing that comes from confession to each other. Especially if the other person had been the injured party. Even sharing with someone close helps to keep each other in accountability when two stand together.

But beyond confessing, it's important to proceed to praying. Pray for each other, to release forgiveness to each other or to release the power of God in our lives.

Something new for me to grow in :)

Being faithful with my time

Monday's devotion struck me when it said, "we must not live as if we were immortal and unaccountable for the use of our time".

To recognise that time here on earth is a precious resource given by grace from God. Let me not misuse my time but teach me to have the right perspective of my time that I may have a heart of wisdom to live my days well.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Wisdom in life

The kind of wisdom that the bible puts forth is very different from what is put forth in the world.

"Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom", James 3:13
It is a wisdom that says no to self-centredness, what's-in-it-for-me, envy, selfish ambition. Big words but many times I apply worldly wisdom in my life when I complain about why other drivers should give way to me when I have the right of way. Not that we should be overly considerate to others (that would make me too hesitant and ironically a dangerous driver), but to pause and consider others, to consider
"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness." James 3:17-18
It's also easier to consider these when things are fine. When things are not going well or when pressures of life and work surround, it's easy to slip into earthly wisdom.

Dear God, help me especially in times such as these, renew my spirit, remind me of the abundance of love that is for me, let me be filled with wisdom that is above..

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Let the expression of my faith be works and not words

"You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did." James 2:22

Indeed, let my faith be expressed through works and not mere words. Step over into living, not speaking, in faith.. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Letting God's love fill every moment

"Transform me with your love and make me effective in this world"

I was reminded of something that I've known but had slipped out of mind. The extent to which I'm effective, being the salt and light of the world, is dependant on how much God's love has gone through me.

At the crossroads of life, do I remember God's love for me as evident on the cross. So often I forget... May I be aware in each moment of God's love, may that transform me from the inside out.. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011


I don't usually view myself as a person who grumbles a lot. But sometimes the grumbling can take place in forms that I'm blinded to. Daily Life devotion puts it right on the spot when it says we complain or are dissatisfied whenever we don't get to fulfil what we want to do instead of what the Spirit wants us to do. It points to a deeper root where a part of us still desire to go our own way apart from God. How I need God to renew me everyday to deliver me from this, to put off the old self and put on the new self. And there is no way to grow in this except through real practice..

Friday, February 4, 2011

Quiet time with God

Is my quiet time something I need to clear off my todo list? I'm guilty of treating my time with God as a task item on my schedule, just to go through a routine..

Don't miss the point that the treasure is found in the quiet time itself, that time with God. Would you treasure, value that time so that there wouldn't be a tension to quickly finish QT and get on with other things? Where QT is not a roadblock but the destination in itself?

It takes a discipline to simply be still and wait upon God with no agenda. To desire and press in beyond head knowledge or the feeling of God's presence, close enough to hear his heartbeat, what's close to his heart..

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Knowing God

Something Daniel said last Sunday sermon really struck me and set me thinking.. Knowing God means more than just knowing what he can do. I may even be in the presence of God and be familiar with how it feels like but yet not really know him. Press in beyond knowing what he can do, his presence or even just receiving while in his presence. Press in more to hear from his heart.. 

God's love story

The love of God was not suspended when Adam and Eve were driven from the garden. It was an act of judgement and love to drive them from his presence for they would have perished. It was a similar act of love and judgement upon the cross. God has been pursuing man for so long through all history, it's the greatest love story. And God is still drawing people to himself today..